Marlon Barrios Solano

Chat with Marlon-AI

Generative AI + Computational Creativity and Cognition + Dance Improvisation + Creative Coding + Generative Art + Complex Systems + Awareness Practices

Bio + How like a Network (Updated October 2024)

Marlon Barrios Solano is a Venezuelan-American interdisciplinary artist, creative technologist and researcher with a background in dance, software engineering and cognitive science working with generative AI, machine learning, creative coding and interactive performance. Since August 2024, he is the Maker-in-Residence focused at CAME Center for Arts, Migration and Entrepteneurship fdocused on AI, Art and Diasporas at the University of Florida. He is currently an artist-in-residence with the Rewilding Cultures program at Radiona in Zagreb, Croatia, and at Lake Studios Berlin, Germany, where he is a founding member.

Marlon’s work investigates computational creativity and synthetic cognition designing hybrid complex systems where language and self-organizing processes generate the aesthetic experience. His artistic practice includes machine learning for embodied digital interaction, generative AI, movement and voice, creative coding and app development, generative writing, bottom-up robotics, dance improvisation and vipassana meditation. His works are deployed as dynamic browser based art, open source code, improvisational scores, sound environments, AI chatbots and video that he organizes as installations, workshops, participatory performances and lectures. All the work is published and distributed with an open source license.

In 2007, Marlon launched, a social network for interdisciplinary explorers of movement performance, innovators, and emergent performance practices. He has produced more than 200 video interviews as one of the first international video bloggers dedicated to the intersection of dance, arts, and digital technology, published several essays, and created pioneering XR projects for knowledge transmission within dance/art festivals. In 2011 was created in Spanish and Portuguese and supported by the South American Network of Dance. These networks have received support from Motionbank and the Forsythe Company (Germany), Panorama Festival (Brazil), Transmediaakademy (Germany), Lake Studios Berlin, among many others.

He was a research associate at the Inter-University of Dance/University of The Arts (UDK/HZT) in Berlin, Germany, from 2013 to 2016, a 2017 Hombroich Fellow in Germany, and an artist/researcher in residence at ICK Amsterdam, Netherlands, in 2013-14 and at the Gilles Jobin Company in Geneva, Switzerland, from 2009-2012.

Marlon has written essays for the books Dance In the Head/Tanz im Kopf and Transmission in Motion: The Technologizing of Dance edited by Johannes Birringer and Maiike Bleeker respectively. Some of his interviews have been transcribed and published by Contact Quarterly.

As a contemporary dancer and improviser in New York (1994-2001), Marlon has collaborated with choreographers such as Lynn Shapiro, Merian Soto, Dean Moss, Bill Young, and Susan Marshall, and musicians such as Philip Glass, John Zorn, and Erik Friedlander. He has participated in numerous festivals and taught both nationally and internationally. He studied and practiced improvisation with Nancy Stark Smith, Jennifer Monson, Bebe Miller, KJ Holmes, and David Zambrano. In Venezuela (1981-1994), he apprenticed with DanzaLuz, DanzaHoy, and danced professionally with Aktion Colectiva and Rajatabla Danza. He co-founded Danza Contemporánea de Maracaibo with Yasmin Villavicencio in 1986.

Marlon holds an MFA in Dance and Technology from The Ohio State University, USA (2004) and completed the General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive Program 2021. He is also certified in Vipassana/Mindfulness Meditation by Spirit Rock Meditation Center, a certified 200 Hours Embodyoga Teacher and has studied one year of the Somatic Experiencing Certification Program.

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VScode NPM Java Script P5js Three.js

HTML5 CSS3 Markdown Figma Node.js Express,js React Next JS React Native Expo Gatsby Styles Components Material UI

Python Django

GraphQL Apollo GraphQL PostgresQL MongoDB Netlify Heroku Vercel


IOS Kalilinux

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Playlist of Video Works (AI)

Latent Spaces: Morphs, Migrations and Digressions


Video Dances with AI

On Faciality

Sudden Accelerarions

Ornaments Video Constructions

Synthetic Monologues


Social Networking, a social networking site

Experimental Chatbots



Patient X

Patient X02

Sati-ai Llama

Generic llama

The AI Model is the Message (Generative AI Experiments training models and chaining)

Infinite Bauhaus

Infinite Rothko

Ziggy Slide

ZiggySlide Trained Model

Open Source in Huggingface

Simple Image Generator in replicate

Camile 6 Trained Model

More egenaryive Ai experiments


BodyDigital 3: Dancing within Artificial Thoughts (Germany)

Entangled with Fabulation Engines (Croatia) Dreprecated app!!

Derivative Utopias: Playing with our Collective Artifice (Croatia)

My Writing and pieces @medium

Creative Coding + Cellular Automata

Wolfram Red


Infinite Cellular Automata

Creative Coding + Clocks

Time Form 01

Time Form 02

Time Form 03

Time Form 04

Sun Dial 01

Sun Dial 01

Time Engine

Geometries Accumulations

Creative Coding + Image Processing

Accumulated Perspectives

Space Sequencer

Creative Coding + Complexity + Emergence

Connected Pathfinders

Gravitas Epistolas

Melting Traces

I Have Waves

Folding Grids

Noise Grids

Discipative 01

Throwing Lines Forever


Captive Network


Captive Diffusion

Connected Circles

Field of Flows

Field of Cells

Dynamic Enso

Breathing Circle

Concentric Segmented Circles

Time Fibonacci

Simple Fractal Tree

Cosmic Phyllotaxis

100 Squares Spinning

Hexagons and Waves

It Looks like Changes from the Center

Portal 01

Fluir Sin Parar Collection

MotionDAO Logo 01

Logo 01


Molnar 20 Squares

Molnar Simplex

Molnar Crcles

Molnar Wallpaper

Munari’s Circle Square Tiangle

Munari’s Primitoves Blend

Ellsworth Kelly’s Generator

Bauhaus Logo

Vasareli 01

Vasareli 02

Vasareli 03

Generative Tools for Meta-creation 01

Generative Tools for Meta-creation 01

Contemplative digital objects

Sculpting Illusions

Crescent Circle

Chromatic Crescent

Vanilla Java Script Projects


One More Mass Shooting

Altered States

Alien Flag

7 tubes

Sound Visualizers

Solar Flares 01

Solar Flare 02


8 Circles

Dynamic Typography

With Webcam Input + Body and Face tracking with Machine Learning

Body Tracking + Stick Figure


Slitscan Horizontal

Slit Scan Vertical

3D in the Browser

Hand tracking

Smile Detection

Nose tracking

Face tracking AR






See projects delails



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UnstableLandscape | Generativity and the Embodiments of Complexity

Screen Shot 2022-02-25 at 8 18 34 PM

More information

Minfulness + Somatics

Mindfulness Meditation for Changemakers in a Burning World

burning buddha

More Information about Marlon Barrios Solano




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