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This is a collection of projects as practice on the direct power of Vanilla or pure Java Script in combination with HTML5 and CSS3. The projects are linked to their LIVE apps and code REPOs. Enjoy!!

Cool Calculator

All the way old skool building a basic calculator and …I have lots of fund with gradients and selection of backgrounds Try it!!

#vanillajs #javascript #webdevelopment #oldskool

Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator LIVE

Simple Calculator REPO

JavaScript Video Player

Building a video player from scratch with code is something that don’t do often. Empowering!! and a cool dance video! of course…

#javascriptdeveloper #javascript #oneprojectaday

JavaScript Video Player

JavaScript Video Player LIVE

JavaScript Video Player REPO

Kanban Board

I am amazed by the power and flexibility of the good old #html amplified by #vanillajs and beautified by #css3 …I built this kanban style board Trello Inspired. Back to basics has been so fruitful…drag and drop!! Try it!!

#javascript #javascriptdeveloper #webdevelopment

Kanban Board

Kanban Board LIVE

Kanban Board REPO


Experimented with the power of the HTML Canvas element and #vanillajs (jscolor.js) or create a paint tool app: PaintR. The user can select and change the background color, the thickness of the brush, the paint color, erase, reset the canvas, save in local storage and export the ‘master pieces’ as jpegs to the local computer. Have Fun!

#javascript #html #webdevelopment




Quote Generator

Fun with APIs. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. - Henry Beecher - I developed this Quotes Generator App
#javascript #javascriptdeveloper #codinglife

live site link

Quote Generator LIVE

Quote Generator REPO

Infinite Scroll

Creating the illusion of infinite scrolling with JavaScript and unsplash api.

#javascriptdeveloper #project #infinitescrolling

live site link

Photo Infinite Scroll LIVE

Photo Infinite Scroll REPO

Video Player as Picture in Picture

The user can pop up the YouTube video as a separate floating window… picture in picture! Of course enjoying the fabulous Mon Laferte! #video

#github #javascript #oneprojectaday

live site link

Picture in Picture video player LIVE

Picture in Picture video player REPO

Funny Bot!

I made this cool and cute Robot Joke Teller. She is very self-centered and only tells jokes about programming. (JokesAPI and VoiceRSS API).

#javascriptdeveloper #javascript #texttospeech #programming #oneprojectaday

Funny Bot

Funny Bot LIVE

Funny Bot REPO

Theme Animations

I felt like a choreographer creating animation for this website template. It was nice and elegant already (Creative Tim template), but now the user’s gaze is driven by the choreography of the elements.

#animation #javascript #oneprojectaday #webdevelopment

Theme Animations

Theme Animations LIVE

Theme Animations REPO

Animated Navigation

Adding an animated navigation bar to a portfolio site that is also mobile responsive. I had fun with the color palate inspired by my VSCode. #javascript Very bold colors! I may use this for my portfolio.

#javascriptdeveloper #vanillajs #webdevelopment #oneprojectaday #frontenddeveloper

Portfolio Animated Navigation

Portfolio Animated Navigation LIVE

Portfolio Animated Navigation REPO

Music Player

I worked hard on this audio player managed by JS for a web3 project…

#javascript #project #audioplayer #webdevelopment #sofware #frontend

Music Player

Music Player LIVE

Music Player REPO


Worked the functionality of a date countdown in #javascript and added video as a background. I also implemented local storage #webdevelopment #vanillajs


Countdown LIVE

Countdown REPO

Bookmarking Sites

This app locally bookmarks websites and places them in order. The user can delete them and its mobile responsive.

Bookmarking Site

Bookmarking Site LIVE

Bookmarking Site REPO

Form Validators

Back to basics… form validation with HTML5 and a bit of #vanillajs help.

#oneprojectaday #javascript #webdevelopment #webdev

Form Validator HTML5

Form Validator HTML5 LIVE

Form Validator HTML5 REPO

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

I built this game app with the logic proposed by Sheldon from “The Big Bang Theory’: Rock paper Scissors Lizard Spock…It was fun and I gave a retro touch with #vanillajs confetti for the winners!

#javascript #webdevelopment #softwareengineer #oneprojectaday

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Game

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Game LIVE

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Game REPO


I always wanted to build an app using the NASA API. Here it is: it loads NASA images, with their titles, image description and license info.The user can select favorites and they are kept in local storage. User can remove images from favorites. Fun with code and the universe…

#webdevelopment #javascript #vanillajs #oneprojectaday




Classic Pong

Homage to the classic PONG game with the HTML canvas and #vanillajs to animate the ball and the players. You play against the computer moving the cursor and the bottom paddle; it keeps the score and the winner score is 7; repeat. Have fun!

#pong #webdev #game #js

Classic PONG



Fetching GitHub Calendar

Cool code to fetch the calendar of contributions to a github account…commits and more commits…

#github #webdev #calendar #js

Fetching Github Calendar

Fetching Github Calendar LIVE

Fetching Github Calendar REPO

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